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Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie (DGD) fördert die demografische Forschung und Lehre sowie den Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und gesellschaftlichen Akteuren. Ziele der DGD sind die Verbreitung demografischen Wissens und die Verbesserung der Handlungsmöglichkeiten im Umgang mit der demografischen Entwicklung.


Health expectancy: increasingly used, but poorly understood

WIC Hybrid Colloquium

Health expectancy: increasingly used, but poorly understood

Marc Luy – Director of the Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Honorary Professor of Demography at the University of Vienna

Wednesday, 26 February 2025 4:00 – 5:00 pm (CET)

Please register here

mehr Health expectancy: increasingly used, but poorly understood

Fachkräftemangel – Welche Potentiale gibt es noch?

Dienstagsdialoge des Einstein Centers Population Diversity

Fachkräftemangel – Welche Potentiale gibt es noch?

Prof. Dr. Peter Haan
Professor für empirische Wirtschaftsforschung an der Freien Universität Berlin und Leiter der Abteilung Staat am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025, 13-14 Uhr MEZ (Zoom)

Zur Anmeldung

mehr Fachkräftemangel – Welche Potentiale gibt es noch?

The Vienna Yearbook of Population Research welcomes submissions for a Special Issue

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research – Call for Submissions: Delayed Reproduction: Patterns, Challenges and Prospects

The editors invite contributions on delayed fertility and family trajectories, including their biological, social and policy dimensions. Key topics include changes in reproductive trajectories and fertility levels, fertility intentions and outcomes, the role of assisted reproduction, socio-economic inequalities, consequences for parents and children, and policy responses to these changes. The special issue is guest-edited by Éva Beaujouan, Marie-Caroline Compans, Alice Goisis, and Jasmin Passet-Wittig.

For more information, please visit https://viennayearbook.org/call

Submit your manuscript until 31 May 2025

Book Launch „From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios“

On 18 December 2024, 16:00 CET / 15:00 GMT / 10:00 EST  a virtual launch of the book
From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios
– edited by Professor Jakub Bijak, will take place.

Register here


  • Jakub Bijak, Professor of Statistical Demography at the University of Southampton.
  • Marie McAuliffe, Head of Migration Research and Publications Division at the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
  • Helga de Valk, Director of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and professor of Migration and the life course at the University of Groningen.
  • Teddy Wilkin, Head of the Data Analysis and Research Sector at the European Union Agency for Asylum.